joi, 2 iulie 2009

Zebra Integrates with ThingMagic for Mobile RFID

"Zebra Technologies has announced the integration of its RP4T mobile RFID printer with ThingMagic s M5e-Compact embedded RFID reader module. The combination provides long-lasting RFID tags and labels, and identifies and tracks business critical assets across government, healthcare, manufacturing, mobile field service, and transportation and logistics.
ThingMagic's M5e-Compact is EPC global Generation 2 DRM compliant, and is optimized for Generation 2 RFID tags. Based on embedded reader module, it consumes one third of the power and is half the size (56 mm L x 36 mm W x 5 mm H) of the Mercury5e, enabling RFID applications for asset tracking, warehouse and inventory management, location awareness, and other use-cases that require customizable but small RFID reader solution.
Rising demand for point-of-application RFID print encoding has driven the development of the RP4T printer and we are confident that the M5e-Compact RFID reader module will enhance our RIFD solution, said Carolyn Ricci, senior product manager, RFID, Zebra Technologies."

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